Saying goodbye is one of the most essential parts of the healing process after someone passes. While many people are still highly susceptible to COVID-19, and air travel or large groups can be a threat, our funeral support services allow friends and family to livestream and engage real-time with loved-ones while staying safe at home.
How We Help You Connect
To serve our community during the time of COVID-19, People Productions is offering virtual funeral services. You have options for how the event can run. Get in touch to go over the details.
Families have the option to make the video streams public or private. You can also have a recording to share with others after the event. In addition, People Productions can customize unique and thoughtful video tributes using photos and videos of the deceased, enabling communities to share remembrance of their loved ones through virtual memorials.
Live video streaming of services
• Single or multiple cameras at the services
• Streaming video delivered over YouTube/Facebook
• Easy for people anywhere to see and hear services
• Options for public or invite-only
Share stories online
• People at a distance can share stories, or keep their cameras off
• We ensure a smooth experience for all funeral-goers through our dedicated technical support staff
• You can use Zoom, Facebook, YouTube or other platforms
Photo and video montages in memoriam
• Gather photos and videos, we will edit a moving memorial video
• Video can be shared on Youtube, Facebook, and kept on your hard drive
• Music and titles can be added to complete the video
Stay close to loved ones during difficult times
Packages are available.
Get in touch for details.
People Productions guides companies and families through the use of webinar technology, keeping you connected after the loss of a loved one.
Call Don Poe at 303-449-6086 or email, or fill out the form and we’ll contact you.