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Case Study

Quote Builder: make the sale from anywhere

By Case Study, Insights, Sales Enablement

Quote Builder may become your sales reps’ new favorite tool.

Ready to streamline your sales interactions? Or simply improve efficiency? This straightforward web app is designed to make it easy for your sales team to place an order anywhere. It integrates smoothly with platforms like Showpad and CRM systems such as Salesforce, shortening the sales cycle and standardizing your ordering process.

Capture the Lead 

Quote Builder collects essential customer information — like name, email, company name, and more — making it easy to build a detailed customer profile. All this data can be saved and accessed later, even when offline.

Tailor Your Pitch

With powerful filtering options, Quote Builder helps sales reps quickly identify and present products that match customer interests. Say you’re selling snowboards. Now you can instantly filter gear options based on target audiences like men’s or women’s, board shape, length, and bindings. Customers see only the most relevant products, making their ordering experience smoother, and your sales rep’s sale, easier.

Put the Specs at Their Fingertips

Show customers detailed product information right on the spot. Sales reps can provide sell sheets and product details within this ordering tool, allowing customers to dig deep into the products they are most interested in. Customers feel confident in their purchase and the sales team has the information they need to close the deal.

Build Within the Budget

Sales reps use the Quote Builder’s dynamic pricing filters to focus on products within the customer’s budget. Adjust quantities, identify add-ons, and upsell items easily, keeping the customer informed about the total budget along the way. This transparency builds trust and ensures a smooth checkout process. The app calculates all the pricing, so customers can instantly see their final budget.

Close the Sale

When it’s time to finalize the sale, customers can accept the terms and conditions right in the app. This digital signature capability reduces paperwork and makes the transaction more efficient. Even when offline, sales reps can save the order and sync it later when an internet connection is available, ensuring no data is lost.

Deliver Comprehensive Documentation

Quote Builder can generate a PDF of the customer’s order details, which can be emailed for their records. This can even be tracked so the rep can see if the customer opened the PDF. This feature ensures clear communication and provides a reliable reference for both the customer and the sales rep.

Why Try Quote Builder?

Easy Integration: Connect with CRM systems like Salesforce and sales enablement platforms such as Showpad, keeping your sales data up-to-date.

Enhanced Customer Experience: Tailored product filters and real-time information provide a personalized shopping experience.

Efficiency and Accuracy: Real-time pricing calculations, digital signatures, and comprehensive order management streamline the sales process.

Offline Capability: Work efficiently even without an internet connection, ensuring your sales process is never interrupted.

Give Quote Builder a Try

Curious how Quote Builder can simplify your sales process? Let’s schedule your demo, and learn how your sales team can work smarter and more efficiently. 

People Productions helps drive sales enablement best practices. Check out our work for examples and inspiration that can help take your sales team to the next level.

Empower your sales team to make the sale anywhere

Schedule your free demo now. Contact us: call 303-449-6086, email Don Poe, or submit the form below. Your request will be answered within one business day.

    Case Study: Promega and Sales Enablement

    By Case Study, Insights, Sales Enablement

    Case Study:
    Promega and Sales Enablement

    Ann MacPhetridge – The highlight of my career

    Promega provides breakthroughs in diabetes, research in autism, and aids in solving crimes through forensics. Researchers at companies like Moderna and Abbott, and even home Covid tests are powered by Promega technologies. In 2022, they started a new chapter with a major product launch and needed the right collaborator and tools to make it a success.

    Promega turned to People Productions to support their biggest product release in years. Collaboratively and through several brainstorming sessions, key messaging was refined so the sales team could position this product against the goliath competitor. Ultimately, an interactive brochure was developed so the sales reps could be nimble in client meetings and showcase the features of the new product. 

    Ann MacPhetridge, Senior Global Commercialization Manager at Promega was inspired by working with People Productions. “Recognizing that we needed to have this experience in Showpad, it was critical that we worked with an agency that understood Showpad, that had experience with Showpad, and that could develop content that ran smoothly on Showpad. People Productions has been a wonderful partner to work with on this collaboration.”

    The analytics have been impressive with open rates 130% higher than industry averages — and 41% of asset views from customers.”

    Ann MacPhetridgeSenior Global Commercialization Manager at Promega

    Since launch of the app, the analytics have been impressive with open rates 130% higher than industry averages — and 41% of asset views from customers. Ann MacPhetridge found this new sales approach to be very effective, stating “This has helped move people through the sales funnel where they were perhaps a lead. Now we can pre-qualify them and ensure they become an opportunity.”

    Watch the video to hear about how this has been “the highlight of my career” for Ann MacPhetridge in developing this modern and effective way to connect with prospective clients. 

    Differentiate yourself with powerful storytelling.

    Schedule your free consultation now. Contact Don Poe at 303-449-6086 or, or submit the form below.

      Unlocking Success: A Medtronic Case Study

      By Case Study, Insights, Medical
      NICU website Hero Image

      There’s a distinct difference between storytelling and product marketing – just ask the NICU product team at Medtronic.

      With a broad portfolio of medical devices and surgical equipment, Medtronic came to us with the challenge of transitioning from talking about their products individually to introducing an area of care – in this case the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) – and highlighting this suite of solutions designed for the tiniest patients.

      Medtronic looked to People Productions to collaboratively ideate how best to bring all the NICU products from across the companies’ business units into one cohesive story, while maintaining focus on the most important subject  — the patient. We started with a series of client working sessions to establish the messaging pillars and map the target audience’s journey for the area of care. We determined that sharing the stories of infants and their care teams facing complications in their early life were the best way to convey these messages. 

      The first and most crucial part of these stories was ensuring accurate medical scenarios. We partnered with NICU nurses, specialists, and product experts to develop scenarios based on real-life common complications for newborn patients that escalate to treatment. Next, it was time  to bring these stories to life.

      Capturing the emotion

      Our team knew we needed to start with beautiful, intimate, and medically accurate photography. These photos would highlight the stories across the campaign, including a website, digital marketing, emails, printed brochures, and training materials. 

      Because of the sensitive nature of staging a photoshoot in a real NICU during COVID, we built a custom studio set that included all the necessary medical products found in a NICU. Then, we found women who were about to give birth, and several 3-week old babies. To supplement, we scoured the internet to procure life-like anatomically correct silicone dolls for the shoot. Our crew took extra precautions to ensure the safety of our newborn models. Honestly, they might have been the easiest talent we have ever worked with, they slept right through the shoot!

      “The People Productions team exhibited an unparalleled level of professionalism, creativity, and dedication on the NICU website and campaign. They understood our vision and goals and their creative approach brought the stories of five newborn fighters to life. Their design was aligned with our brand identity but also brought an emotional tone to these stories.”

      Jennifer MaMedtronic Senior Principal Global Market Development Manager
      Unlocking Success: A Medtronic Case Study NICU Collage

      Creating a central hub

      The next step was to develop all the campaign pieces to showcase these stories and the Medtronic NICU solutions. The microsite served as a central hub to guide the customer through each story and each product associated with it.

      Training the sales team

      What is a beautiful marketing piece without a sales team who knows how to speak to it? A crucial part of this campaign’s success was the training deck and webinar for the Medtronic sales team. They were experienced in talking about their products in relation to their business unit, but needed additional training to be able to talk about the products as a portfolio of services offered by Medtronic.

      Powering up the lead generation

      With everything in place, it was time to engage lead generation tactics to push viewers to the website. Our team developed social media posts, digital ads, print materials, short videos, and tradeshow banners as part of the complete campaign.

      With a campaign this large, being able to measure its success is as important to us as it is to the clients. “Over a six-month time period, the marketing campaign resulted in a $1.8 million uplift in sales,” shared Jennifer Ma, Medtronic Senior Principal Global Market Development Manager.

      Our team has the experience to create a successful campaign for your company. From finding newborn talent to message development and photography to sales training – we are excited to develop the right creative solution for your campaign needs. Let’s get started.

      Differentiate yourself with powerful storytelling.

      Schedule your free consult now. Contact us: call 303-449-6086, email Don Poe, or submit the form below. Your request will be answered within one business day.